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Merci Robin pour les magnifiques photos du mariage.
Tu es un artiste incroyable et nous adorons tes photos.
– Elodie & Scott
I have never asked anyone to write me a testimonial.
These are all spontaneous reactions and every reaction has touched me profoundly..
I do my utmost best at giving people the best time possible and to be as good as possible at this craft.
I feel truly fortunate at having one of the most amazing and fun jobs in the world and t0 meet the most amazing people.
“Thank you once again for all the magnificent pictures, for all of your fantastic ideas, and also for your gentle nature and your incredible good mood. Everyone told us you were fantastic!“
Émilie & Pièrre-Élie

“Thank you 🙂
For us it has been fantastic to have worked with you 🙂
A superbe work and you’re the best to have around on the important day.
I—as a stressed person—had total confidence in you 🙂
Looking forward to working with your again 🙂 For a baptism :)”
A bride who loves smileys 🙂

“Thank you very much! The photos are awesome.
Everyone keeps telling us this as well. Really, thank you again for the work that you did, both on the day of the wedding and afterwards. We are really very happy!
When we see the pictures both of us would like start the wedding again!“
A wedding on the Cap d’Antibes

“Together with my husband I’d like to say that we ADORED your photos!!! They are truly beautiful. THANK YOU!“
Aurélie & Xavier
Married in Mougins

“SUPERBE photos! We adore them!
We had soo many discoveries when we saw the pictures!
The colours were fantastic.”
Alex & Fred

I wanted to thank you for these marvellous pictures.
Your artistic style and your way of taking pictures allowed us to completely immerse ourselves in the spirit of marriage. I find that truly exceptional.!“
A wedding on the Cap d’Antibes

“You added to our wedding a lot of warmth and friendliness and a … joie de vivre.
The photos are magnificent: they captured most beautiful moments.
I am delighted to have met the most sympathetic and the best photographer of the Cote d’Azur.“
Morgan & Eric
Married in the Provence

“It’s just AWESOME!
100 000…000 thanks for the great work!
Now I’m confused. If I had to choose just one picture, how could I do this?“
Laetitia and Evariste
A Cameroonian wedding

“We don’t have words!!!
The pictures are absolutely stunning. We knew they were going to be fantastic, but these are beyond our expectations! 🙂
Thank you SOO much. You are truly talented.“
An Indian wedding

“MERCI Robin!
We just finished looking at all of the pictures. You did an superbe job!
We are very happy and we really really thank you!
Now we will have to choose our favorite pictures for the album and this is going to be very difficult since all the pictures are beautiful!“
Cécile & Xavier, Living in Paris, married in the Cote d’Azur

“Merci Robin for the magnificent photos of our wedding.
You are an incredible artist and I ADORE your photos!”
Elodie & Scott, a French-Canadian Love Story

“Your pictures are amazing!
There’s a soul behind every shot
I’m really impressed.“
A friend of the bride and groom

“I have no words…
[ silence ]
The pictures are just…
[ silence ]
[ more silence ]
Didn’t Rachel look absolutely amazing?”
A speechless groom

“Wooowwww!! The photos are magniificent!
I did not expect such a result. I am very, very happy and
I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures.
They are natural and that’s exactly what we wanted. Fantastic!”
A wedding in Théoule-sur-Mer on the beach